Get An In House Sauna To Reduce Muscle Tension

Although muscle tension is not necessarily a serious condition, it is indeed very uncomfortable and painful if not treated with an in house sauna. There are a few reasons why you could be feeling your muscles tense, sore and stiff such as over-exercising, bad posture, and stress. 

What is Muscle Tension Or Chronic Myofascial Pain (CMP)?


Your muscle tension could be a form of chronic myofascial pain (CMP), which is also known as myofascial pain syndrome. It is a painful condition that affects the muscles and the sheath of tissues, known as the fascia, which surrounds the muscles. Chronic myofascial pain can consist of a single muscle group or a group of muscles.   


Are Chronic Myofascial Pain And Fibromyalgia The Same?


CMP and fibromyalgia are not the same even though their symptoms are almost identical. Both ailments are characterized by sufferers who complain about tender points in the muscles. 


Nevertheless, chronic myofascial pain is thought to be an ailment of the muscle itself whereas fibromyalgia is a condition in the method the brain processes pain signals. Fibromyalgia is usually linked to more extensive pain and other symptoms that do not affect muscles such as sleep disruption, irritable bowel syndrome, fatigue within the entire body and individuals are more susceptible to headaches.


Is Chronic Myofascial Pain (CMP) Common? 


People who use an in home sauna will tell you that pain stemming from within the muscles and fascia is very common. Almost everyone will suffer from this type of pain, myalgia fasciitis or myofascitis, at some point in their lives, that is why it is a good reason to invest in a 2 person sauna. However, CMP consists of pain that is chronic, or long-lasting and is linked with particular trigger points. Chronic Myofascial Pain mostly develops in people between the ages of 30 and 60 years of age. Both men and women are affected equally. 


What Are The Symptoms Of Chronic Myofascial Pain (CMP)?


The most evident characteristic feature of chronic myofascial pain is the existence of trigger points. These trigger points or sometimes known as “tender points” are highly sensitive areas with the muscle that is painful to the touch and cause pain that can be felt in another area of the body, which is called referred pain.


Also, these trigger points can be “active” or “latent”. An active trigger point is constantly sore and can prevent a person from fully using the muscle, which in turn leads to weakness and a decreased range of motion. On the other hand, a latent trigger point does not cause pain during normal activities, but it is tender when touched and can be triggered when the muscle is strained, fatigued or injured.


Other symptoms linked with CMP are a feeling of muscle weakness, tingling, and stiffness. The pain that is brought about with CMP could also result in difficulties sleeping.  


What Induces Chronic Myofascial Pain (CMP)?


Most medical professionals will inform you that there isn’t a principal cause of CMP. Although possible causes are the following: 


  • Mechanical circumstances, for instance, one leg longer than the other
  • Bad posture, stress, and overuse of the muscles
  • Exercise (overexercising, poor techniques that cause stress on the muscles)
  • Doing work activities using poor techniques that result in repetitive stress injuries
  • Anxiety and depression can lead to increased muscle tension, resulting in major myofascial pain. 


The trigger points can be initiated by overwork, direct trauma, cold, and fatigue. 


How Does Infrared Therapy Reduce Muscle Tension?


When you suffer from CMS the strained muscles cause pain and this is where an in house sauna that works with infrared technology comes very handy. Using an infrared sauna for muscle pain can effectively reduce the stiffness and cramps that are making you feel uncomfortable.  


An in house sauna that uses far infrared energy wavelengths can penetrate at least one to two inches into the human body. This deep penetrating heat is deep enough to treat and heal the muscles. The muscles begin to relax, loosen up and regain elasticity. Infrared heat also has the ability to make the muscles more flexible and provides them a wider range of motion, besides relief from cramps and joint pain. 


The science behind the effectiveness of infrared heat is that it helps to stimulate blood circulation, which leads to increased heart rate, dilated blood vessels and more blood movement to various parts of the body including the muscles. 


The heat produced from an in house sauna with far infrared technology helps to break down the body’s lactic acid deposits. Lactic acid creates deposits in muscles which results in painful muscle cramps. Using an infrared sauna helps you to heal the strained muscle injury that has been annoying you for ages, and is probably the reason for your sleep deprivation. 


What Are The Benefits Of Heat Proteins For Muscle Tension And Strain?


Furthermore, an infrared sauna can help to promote Heat Shock Proteins. It is important to have high levels of heat shock proteins (HSPs) since they can help with muscle regrowth. The body’s cells use heat shock proteins to offset possibly damaging stimulus, for example, toxins, heat, cold, environmental stress from pollutants, exercise stress and many others. Also, HSPs can help with muscle growth, help prevent muscle catabolism and encourage fat loss.  


Plus, infrared saunas are well known for boosting levels of Human Growth Hormone. Researchers in Finland have concluded that using an infrared sauna can increase the amount of human growth hormone (HGH) produced by the body. Not only is human growth hormone very important for muscular growth, but it is also crucial for muscle recovery, and encourages protein synthesis. Both of these bodily chemicals can significantly help you with an individual’s level of recovery, training frequency, intensity, mobility, flexibility, comfort, and most importantly, sleep. 


Owning an infrared sauna in your own home is a great way to warm up your sore and painful muscles whenever you want to. Besides having loose and pain-free muscles, you are also gaining a wide range of health benefits for better overall health for you and your loved ones.